Produse pentru un carbonat (1898)

Var Carbonat - Îngrășământ

Var Carbonat - Îngrășământ

92-96% CaCO3 included min. 50% CaO


Solidian Form 3D In - Consolidare Seismică

Solidian Form 3D In - Consolidare Seismică

Cracks usually appear first where the building structure is the weakest joints, corners, edges! And cracks can travel through walls over time if they are not stopped, further weakening the structure of your building. We think it is best to make sure that cracks do not start in the first place. Our solidian corner 3D in is specially developed to create the strongest bond in most difficult places of a building. Connecting the ceiling or floor with with an outsidecorner, for example on a chimney, is the most important part. No measuring and cutting needed! Take out of the box and apply our solidian corner 3D out just like that. Strong carbon fiber reinforcement mesh Up to seven times higher tensile strength compared to structural steel No corrosion so it’s very durable Our special solidian ANTICRACK rough sanded surface for superior bonding properties 3D corner shaped to all corners and edges Connects walls with ceilings and floors Easy to handle and apply Material:Carbon Fiber
Oțel cu conținut ridicat de carbon

Oțel cu conținut ridicat de carbon

Nos aciers à haute teneur en carbone se caractérisent par leur plus grande dureté et leur bonne usinabilité.
Foaie - Foi din oțel carbon tăiate la dimensiune

Foaie - Foi din oțel carbon tăiate la dimensiune

Applicazioni delle lamiere in acciaio al carbonio Le applicazioni delle lamiere in acciaio al carbonio sono molto vaste. Ecco alcuni esempi: Costruzioni: Le lamiere in acciaio al carbonio sono ampiamente utilizzate nei grandi progetti di costruzione per telai strutturali, ponti e altro. Industria automobilistica: Sono impiegate nell'industria automobilistica per i telai e i componenti della carrozzeria. Industria marittima: Grazie alla loro resistenza all'acqua di mare, le lamiere di acciaio al carbonio sono utilizzate nella costruzione di navi. Centrali elettriche: Le lamiere in acciaio al carbonio servono come materiali di rivestimento durevoli nelle centrali elettriche, in quanto resistono a temperature e pressioni elevate. Vantaggi delle lamiere in acciaio al carbonio Le lamiere in acciaio al carbonio offrono diversi vantaggi: Efficienza dei costi: Sono più convenienti rispetto ad altri materiali. Alta resistenza Ampia gamma di applicazioni
Briquette - un amestec de biocarbune din oase și pulpă de măsline

Briquette - un amestec de biocarbune din oase și pulpă de măsline

En Carboliva fabricamos carbón de hueso y de pulpa de aceituna. Su composición es de 70-30% respectivamente. Es un biocarbón totalmente renovable y que nadie más fabrica. Tiene un alto poder calorífico debido al su alto contenido en carbono y funcionan muy bien en las barbacoas y restaurantes.


Les colliers Oya sont nés du métissage de la tradition dentelière turque et du regard voyageur de Christine Delpal, créatrice de la marque Karawan. La rencontre forte et prometteuse avec Hanifa et ses soeurs, villageoises d’Anatolie, fut une évidence. Karawan s’engage depuis sa fondation pour la valorisation de savoir faire artisanaux des Routes de la Soie, par la création de collections singulières que Christine revisite par le design, pour les maintenir vivants, dans une démarche d’économie solidaire. Un désir partagé de transmettre et d’accompagner vers une professionnalisation, source de revenus et d’innovation, des savoirs traditionnels féminins d’exception, souvent limités à la sphère domestique. Christine s’installe de longs jours dans les montagnes d’Anatolie, aux cotés Référence:KCOL05N
Red Bull®

Red Bull®

Red Bull® ist ein beliebtes kohlensäurehaltiges Energy-Drink mit globaler Präsenz, das in Supermärkten, Geschäften, Restaurants und Fitnessstudios auf der ganzen Welt vertrieben und verkauft wird. Seine Zusammensetzung enthält Taurin und Koffein, die ihm eine stimulierende Wirkung verleihen. Red Bull® hat eine Haltbarkeit von 15 Monaten, was den Verbrauchern einen längeren Zeitraum bietet, um das Getränk nach Belieben zu genießen. Es ist in 250-ml-Dosen erhältlich, die in Packungen mit 2, 8 und 24 Stück erhältlich sind. Foodcom S.A. vertreibt Red Bull® an eine Reihe von Unternehmen, darunter Lebensmittelgroßhändler, Händler von Markenartikeln, Importeure, Exporteure und Einzelhandelsketten.
Bandele de prindere open-u cu pin și inserție de protecție - Cleme în trepte

Bandele de prindere open-u cu pin și inserție de protecție - Cleme în trepte

The pressed in plastic inserts offer optimal damage protection for sensitive workpiece faces. Reference:04131 Version:Black oxidised
Carbonat de litiu

Carbonat de litiu

Lithiumcarbonat der Cofermin Chemicals GmbH & Co. KG in diversen Qualitäten und Verpackungen.
Carbonat de Calciu 250g

Carbonat de Calciu 250g

1.65€ TTC
Sustenabil + certificat CALCILIT® ECO - Carbonat de calciu bazat pe 100% material reciclat pre-consum

Sustenabil + certificat CALCILIT® ECO - Carbonat de calciu bazat pe 100% material reciclat pre-consum

Unsere neueste Generation zertifizierter, nachhaltiger, natürlicher Calciumcarbonatprodukte, die zu 100 % aus recyceltem, natürlichem, weißem Marmorgestein bestehen: CALCILIT® ECO G greift den Gedanken der Ressourcenschonung durch den Einsatz von 100 % pre-consumer Recyclinganteil auf und zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Weissgrad, eine gleichmäßige Granulometrie und einen exakten oberen Schnitt aus. Der niedrige Blau-Gelb-Wert führt zu einer hohen Farbneutralität. Als multifunktionale Füllstoffbasis senkt es die Produktkosten beim Kunden, verbessert die Haftung und die rheologischen Eigenschaften. Wesentliche Vorteile: . Natürliches Calciumcarbonat (GCC) . Natürliche Helligkeit und hoher Weissgrad . Bessere Eigenschaften des Endprodukts . Steile Korngrößenverteilung ermöglicht Kosteneinsparungen durch höchste Füllgrade . Verringerung der Menge an organischen Pigmenten . Ideal eingestellt für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen . Frei von organischen Schadstoffen (z. B. Acetaldehyd)
CASTINES - Calcare și Carbonate

CASTINES - Calcare și Carbonate

Carbonate de calcium concassé 0/15mm - 20/50mm - 60/120mm
Carbonat de Calciu - Carbonat de Calciu de furaj sau de aliment

Carbonat de Calciu - Carbonat de Calciu de furaj sau de aliment

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is a common substance found in rocks as the minerals calcite and aragonite (most notably as limestone, which is a type of sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcite) and is the main component of eggshells, snail shells, seashells and pearls. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when calcium ions in hard water react with carbonate ions to create limescale. It has medical use as a calcium supplement or as an antacid, but excessive consumption can be hazardous and cause hypercalcemia and digestive issues. Calcium carbonate plays an important role in animal nutrition as a dietary supplement and an antacid. Our wide range of dried powders and granules are used as a natural source of calcium and as an inert carrier for various other vitamins and nutrients. The quality of our limestone deposit is unsurpassed in this country, containing almost 40% elemental calcium - one of the high


El PCC se diferencia del GCC (Carbonato cálcico natural) por poder: -Disponer de partículas de menor tamaño y más uniformes. -Presentar distribuciones granulométricas más estrechas y estables. -Ejercer menor abrasión -Presentar superficies específicas superiores. -Asegurar purezas químicas más elevadas. Le PCC se différencie du GCC (Carbonates de Calcium Naturels) en ce qu’il permet de : -Disposer de particules plus petites et plus uniformes. -Présenter des distributions granulométriques plus étroites et plus stables. -Exercer moins d’abrasion. -Présenter des surfaces spécifiques supérieures. -Assurer des puretés chimiques plus élevées. The PCC can be distinguished from the GCC (Ground Calcium Carbonates) for: -The possibility to achieve smaller and more uniform particle sizes -More stable and narrower granulometric distribution -Lower abrasivity -Higher specific surface -Highest chemical purity.
Conserve Mirinda 33cl, băutură carbogazoasă

Conserve Mirinda 33cl, băutură carbogazoasă

Mirinda cans 24x33 cl Wholesale for non-alcoholic drinks, soda, carbonated drinks, soft drinks, beverages, fizzy drinks Even more soft drinks available, get in touch for prices and availability!
Pudră de calcit - Calcitul este numele unui mineral și structura chimică a acestui mineral.

Pudră de calcit - Calcitul este numele unui mineral și structura chimică a acestui mineral.

Asoline operates in production facilities located in various regions of Turkey. BARITE CALCITE ASPHALT ROOFING Asoline grinds low hardness industrial minerals such as calcium carbonate, barite, etc. from Asoline mines according to the needs of the sectors. INDUSTRIAL GROUP CATALOG Asoline meets the needs of various sectors including paper, paint, plastic, food, cosmetics, chemistry, construction sectors in Turkey and abroad..
Carbonat de litiu - Substanțe chimice de utilizare specială

Carbonat de litiu - Substanțe chimice de utilizare specială

Lithium Carbonate is a special use chemical used in the steel industry. It serves as a moulding powder when casting steels. It is also usable in the health industry for the treatment of specific diseases. Likewise, the chemical finds application in the glass-making industry. You can extract lithium from a brine pool (underground). Lithium Carbonate is a natural chemical in lakes and seas. The chemical formula is Li2CO3.
Carbonat de Magneziu - Carbonat de Magneziu

Carbonat de Magneziu - Carbonat de Magneziu

Pigment ve boya üretiminde Günlük kimyasallarda Seramik endüstrisinde Hayvan yeminde katkı maddesi olarak Gübre üretiminde katkı maddesi olarak Halter, Gülle, Tırmanma vb. bir çok spor branşında Magnezyum tuzu Sorel çimentosu üretiminde Kağıt endüstrisinde
Granule minerale și abrazive - Abrazive din carbonat de calciu

Granule minerale și abrazive - Abrazive din carbonat de calciu

Carboclean es un carbonato cálcico, de muy baja dureza y alta blancura, apto para el decapado en seco y húmedo, sin dañar la superficie tratada. Dureza: 2.5 - 3 mohs Forma: subangular Densidad: 2,5 g / cm3
băuturi carbogazoase Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Pepsi

băuturi carbogazoase Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Pepsi

kulsyreholdige læskedrikke coca cola, fanta, sprite, pepsi 330 ml (friske lagre) - kulsyreholdige læskedrikke coca cola, fanta, sprite, pepsi 330 ml (friske lagre) Vi er hoveddistributører og hele sælgere af sodavand og kulsyreholdige drikkevarer. Fås i dåser og flasker (250 ml, 330 ml og 500 ml). Klar til international forsendelse med den bedste tilbudte pris. coca cola 330 ml dåser coca cola 1 liter plastflaske coca cola 1,5 liter plastflaske coca cola 2 liter plastflaske diætkoks 500 ml plastflaske diætkoks 1 liter plastflaske diætkoks 1,5 liter plastflaske diæt koks 2 liter plastflaske sprite 330 ml dåser sprite 500 ml plastflaske sprite 1 liter plastflaske sprite 1,5 liters plastflaske sprite 2 liter plastflaske dr peber 330 ml dåser dr peber 500 ml plastflaske dr peber 1 liter plastflaske dr peber 1,5 liter plastflaske dr peber 2 liter plastflaske fanta 330 ml dåser fanta 500 ml plastflaske fanta 1 liter plastflaske fanta 1,5 liters plastflaske fanta 2 liters plastflaske pepsi 330 ml dåser pepsi 500 ml plastflaske
Pepsi 330ml - Pepsi Cola Classic 24 x 330ml

Pepsi 330ml - Pepsi Cola Classic 24 x 330ml

Artikel: Günstige alkoholfreie Getränke Typ: Dr. Pepper 330 ml, Vimto 330 ml, Mountain Dew 330 ml, Fanta 330 ml, Sprite 330 ml, Mirinda 330 ml, Pepsi 330 ml, Lipton Ice Tea 330 ml, Schweppes 330 ml Herkunft: Deutschland Größe: 330 ml (auch in Haustierflaschen 1 l, 1,5 l, 2 l erhältlich) Sprache: Mehrsprachig Bitte hinterlassen Sie uns Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für eine schnelle Korrespondenz von uns. Item: Cheap Soft Drinks Type: Dr Pepper 330ml , Vimto 330ml , Mountain Dew 330ml , Fanta 330ml , Sprite 330ml , Mirinda 330ml , Pepsi 330ml , Lipton Ice Tea 330ml , Schweppes 330ml Origin: Germany Size: 330ml ( also available in pet bottles 1L, 1.5L, 2L) Language: Multi-Lingual Please leave us your email address for quick correspondence from us.
Soda ușoară 99% / Carbonat de sodiu 99% - Soda

Soda ușoară 99% / Carbonat de sodiu 99% - Soda

Chemical appearance Soda Ash Light or Sodium Carbonate has a vibrant white colour and comes in a powder form. Chemical application and strength Soda Ash Light or Sodium Carbonate is a powder like substance which is one of the three grades of Soda Ash. It is commonly used to regulate or buffer pH levels in different industrial processes. It is a highly soluble substance which is why it is ideally used in various chemical reaction processes. Many manufacturing plants use it in the making of colouring dyes and agents. It is also used in the manufacturing of fertilizers and synthetic detergents. Sodium carbonate or Soda ash light is known to be used in improving and treating of the alkaline levels of lakes which have been known to be affected by rains. It is used to replace phosphates which were earlier used in various household detergents and cleaning agents. Examples of these are dishwashing soaps which contain high levels of soda ash. In the glass making industry. CAS Number:497 – 19 – 8 HS Code:283620


Calcinor dispone de mineral de carbonato de calcio y magnesio, dolomita de elevada pureza. Calcinor has access to minerals containg high quality calcium carbonate and magnesium, of great purity. Calcinor dispose d’un minerai de carbonate de calcium et de magnésium (dolomie) de pureté élevée.
Sodă densă - Sodă

Sodă densă - Sodă

Greenline Group is a leading EU supplier of Soda Ash packed in 25kg bags & bulk bags. We are also a Soda Ash distributor, covering the UK, Ireland and Europe. Soda Ash is used in the following products: pH regulators and water treatment products inks and toners If you would like a quote or require more information about how Greenline Group can supply you with Soda Ash please complete the form below and a member of our team will get back to you shortly or phone us on +31 613 504 771.
Dolomit Carbonat de Calciu-Magneziu (MgCO3)

Dolomit Carbonat de Calciu-Magneziu (MgCO3)

Weiße Dolomit- und Quarzmehl-Körnungen nach Kundenvorgabe.
Băuturi Americane - Asiatice - Coca-Cola - Pepsi - 7UP - Fanta - Dr Pepper

Băuturi Americane - Asiatice - Coca-Cola - Pepsi - 7UP - Fanta - Dr Pepper

We offer you an assortment of American and Asian drinks! Including classics!! Our products are carefully selected and offer you a taste experience that you will not forget in a hurry. In our assortment you will find over 100 different varieties that appeal to every taste and preference. A detailed list of prices is available for you to easily choose your favorites. If you have any questions or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us. Just contact us and our friendly team will be happy to assist you.
Carbonat de Zinc - Pharma

Carbonat de Zinc - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Cenușă de sodă ușoară/densă disponibilă în Turcia - carbonat de sodiu ușor și greu

Cenușă de sodă ușoară/densă disponibilă în Turcia - carbonat de sodiu ușor și greu

General description of soda ash Light Soda ash light is known as a white powder, without any smell, easy soluble in water. Sod ash light also well known as sodium carbonate , washing soda , crystal soda with formula Na2CO3 .Soda ash firs found in Egypt, Egyptian use it for They used it to reduce the melting point of silica sand to produce glass vessels and ornaments soda ash is almost more than 5000 years from the day founded . There are two kind of soda ash naturally occurred soda ash which produce with trona ore and after filtration its ready to use this grade available only in turkey and USA another type is syntactic soda or inorganic soda ash which produce by some chemical product in a simple word its produce from combination of sodium and acid carbonic and re acted with ammonia. Soda Ash Light is used for production of detergents, chemicals, textile, paper, other sodium compounds and for casting industry, oil refineries.
Sodă densă, carbonat de sodiu - sodă densă, sodă ușoară

Sodă densă, carbonat de sodiu - sodă densă, sodă ușoară

Soda ash dense, the trade name for sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), is a white, anhydrous, powdered or granular material. It is an essential raw material used in the manufacturing of glass, detergents chemicals and other industrial products. Soda ash is made in two main grades - light and dense. These have the same chemical properties and only differ in physical characteristics, such as bulk density and particle size and shape (which affect flow characteristics and angle of repose).